5 Steps To Becoming A Facebook Ads Expert

5 Steps To Becoming A Facebook Ads Expert

Step 1 - Learn How To Optimize Your Content

When we say “content” in this blog post, we mean both the copywriting and the graphic. Because in Facebook Ads, they are both enormously important.

Your ad image or video will be the first thing that people see when your ad pops up in their feed. So making a good and lasting impression is paramount. If they don’t like what they see, then they won’t be interested in seeing more.

Similarly, your copywriting needs to intrigue them. Just because someone reads your description doesn’t mean that they will follow through on the intended action of the ad (clicking a link, signing up, liking the page… etc.). Disappointing or boring copy can scare away potential audience members just as much as a disappointing graphic can.

Step 2 - Set Up Business Manager

A Business Manager account allows you to manage all of your Facebook pages and all of your ad accounts. So if you’re trying to become a Facebook expert: it’s essential.

These are the steps you need to follow to set it up!

  1. Create a Personal Facebook account.

  2. Go to business.facebook.com/overview

  3. Click the “create account” button

  4. Enter the required information such as business name and work email address

  5. Enter your business details

  6. Click the “submit” button

Step 3 - Do Your Research

Doing your research can mean reading, but in the case of Facebook Ads, we recommend finding someone to help guide you through it. Facebook Ads are complex and require attention to details - but they are worth it.

With a guide you can ask any questions along the way, see the process as it’s happening, see how Facebook Ads can help you and your business specifically (rather than just help you by providing general advice for your industry). Getting a guide can also make the journey to becoming a Facebook Ads expert quicker, since they have done all the research for you.

For businesses who don’t have a Facebook Ads expert in their corner (or do, but the expert doesn’t have enough time to help you), you can enroll in our Facebook Ads course beginning just next week on 9/29/2021.

Click the button below to learn more and enroll.

Step 4 - Start Testing

Create an ad! The success of your ad depends on how successfully you completed the previous three steps. If you didn’t learn how to properly optimize your content, then people won’t feel compelled to engage with your ad. If you don’t have a Business Manager account, then you won’t even have an ad. And if you didn’t do proper research, then you are bound to make a lot of mistakes when testing.

But don’t worry! Because even an ad that failed can teach you something.

For example: if you used Dynamic Creative (a Facebook Ad feature that allows you to test multiple different titles, descriptions, and graphics at the same time), then you will see from your results which were most successful and which were least.

If you didn’t use Dynamic Creative, then you would still see your demographic - and which demographic is more likely to convert. The Facebook Ads platform breaks down your audience to genders, ages, locations, and devices. So you’ll learn a lot about your audience!

Step 5 - Learn From Your Tests

Now start testing again. But this time - use what you learned to optimize your ad.

Facebook allows you to narrow your demographic. So if you see that your ad didn’t perform will in a specific age group, don’t be afraid to tell Facebook not to target that age group. You can even narrow your targeting towards audience members with certain interest, hobbies, and jobs.

So whatever happened in Step Four - make sure you learn from it and try again!

Facebook Ads Course

We briefly mentioned our Facebook Ads course in step three. Here is a more detailed rundown on what we will be covering, and how our course can help you to become the Facebook Ads expert that sees results.

What our course will cover: 

  • Ads Strategy

  • Content Creation

  • Budget Strategy

  • Creating Custom Audiences

  • Creating Lookalike Audiences

Learn more by clicking the button below.


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