Relevancy Score is Out and 3 New Stats are In!
Facebook is taking away relevancy score.
What does that mean for you as a social media marketer?
The Other Side of Facebook and Instagram
If you have ventured into the paid side of social media marketing than more likely than not you know or have heard of the term relevancy score. The relevancy score indicates how well your ad is resonating with the audience you are targeting. The problem is that when its good its good and when its bad, you can get lost in figuring out how to fix your ad. The stat is super vague.
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose
Facebook in an attempt to fix this extreme vagueness is taking away relevancy score and adding three new metrics
Quality Ranking – How your ads perceived quality measures up to ads competing for the same audience. Things that would come into consideration.
Positive Feedback Measures
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Engagement Rate Ranking – How your ads expected engagement rate measures up to ads competing for the same audience
Positive Engagement Measure (Like, love, laugh, and wow reactions, share, and comment)
Negative Engagement Measures (Hide Ad, Hide all ads from this advertiser, and Angry Reaction)
Conversion rate ranking – How your ad’s expected conversions rate, call to action, measures up with ads that had that same optimization goal, call to action optimization.
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A Miller Lite Ad to your grandmother probably won’t work
Our interpretation is that if Quality Ranking is low, it means that you aren’t targeting the right audience with your message, because the competing ads are more relevant, showing higher quality, to them than yours. Have you ever received an ad that doesn’t make any sense and you quickly scroll past it? Some targeting is so vague, 24+ in the area, that before Facebook’s Algorithm can work and find the people it resonates with it could be sending a miller lite ad to your grandmother. That means you need to think more deeply about your audience. Why did you choose the in the first place? Do they really make sense for your product or service? Should you use more detailed targeting, because your message is getting to the wrong person?
Let’s get Engaged
If your engagement rating is low? It means that the content is not engaging enough for your audience. It may be that you don’t have the right copy that is resonating with your audience. Look into how you wrote your copy. What keywords are you using? Are you creating a positive message? Are you solving a problem for people? How are you solving that problem?
The Customer Journey
If conversion rate ranking is low, it means that your call to action or customer journey needs to be changed. In diving deeper its more than the call to action button that creates the conversion. Is the copy driving people toward the conversion action in a positive way? Does the picture gel and support the message? Is the landing page user friendly? A bad landing page set up can make or break the deal. Is there uniformity between the picture and copy in the Ad and what they see on the landing page, if not, there should be. You want a person to have the most easy and seamless process possible.
This could be a great thing!
As with Facebook and changes to their measurements and algorithms, we can never really know how its going to work until we are seeing it first-hand. From all indications, this is a good thing, but who knows. We will keep you up to date when these measurements go live and report back in on if they actually help or hurt the paid advertising side of Facebook. Thank you for reading!