5 Easy Steps To Grow Your Twitter

Grow Your Twitter

What you're going to read are five extremely easy and very simple tips that you can use to grow your Twitter account. These tricks are often overlooked but highly effective - so we hope you try them out!

1. Use Less Than 100 Characters

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The first tip is to use less than 100 characters. Every popular social media platform has certain niches that keeps them at the top. For Twitter: one is its minimalism.

The character limit on Twitter posts are famously 280. This is a lot lower than its competitors' (Facebook and Instagram) character limits. So, with these already low restrictions, you might be wondering why we're suggesting that you restrict yourself even further. Well, the short answer is that being concise on Twitter is an advantage that you want.

Twitter moves quickly and so does its users. Trends come and go within hours, and hashtags are born and then die within days. So you don't want your posts to feel dragging and lengthy on a platform known for speed.

2. Use Call-To-Actions

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I know. You're wondering: You just told us to use 100 characters in a post. How am I supposed to fit a CTA into such short content? You might also be thinking that this tip is too much trouble. But, trust us, it'll be worth it.

Users on Twitter are like every other social media platform user: it helps them take action when they know what action they're supposed to take. They may love your content, they may trust your business, they may want what you're offering - but they won't do anything without a CTA.

3. Be Conversational

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You might have already noticed this, but in the chance that you didn't, you should know that Twitter is not an overly-salesy platform. The business owners who do have accounts on this platform more so use it as a place to enhance their customer service.

(But don't let this discourage you from using it! Since there are so few business owners on this platform, you will have even more opportunities to grow here!)

Why are we telling you this? Because you don't want to stand out as the account constantly trying to sell something. While you can get away with the occasional salesy content on different platforms - it won't be as well-received on a platform unused to that sort of content.

So let your copywriting be conversational. Appear as human as possible, and if you can be funny - be that, too!

4. Avoid Stock Images

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We know it's difficult to avoid using stock images. They are so often visually appealing, and they are always readily available, and there are so many different ones you can choose from - but if you want to grow on Twitter, you have to create your own images.

Twitter users want to see you and your life. And the problem with stock images is that they are (more often than not) very clearly stock images. This means that users can tell when you’re posting inauthentic content.

So, try to take your own photos: photos of yourself, of your employees, of your workplace, of your products and services, of your surroundings - of anything important to your brand! These are the things your audience truly wants to see.

5. Use Bold Colors in Your Images

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Here's another tip for your images: make sure you're using bold colors. Since Twitter, doesn't require for you to post any visual content (unlike Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube), there are a lot of users who are not posting any.

What does this mean? That the platform to some users is mostly black, white, and blue. So we want you to be that bold splash of color.

And if the photos you're taking are not that colorful, don't be afraid to hop onto a photo editing platform and add different backgrounds, large text boxes, and engaging elements. These will only help you stand out more.

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