What To Include In Your Bio (For All Social Platforms)

What To Include In Your Bio (For All Social Platforms)

Wondering what to put into your Facebook bio? How about your Instagram? Your YouTube? Your LinkedIn, Twitter, or Pinterest? We've got you covered! We have a full list of what to include in order to optimize your social media profiles.


what to include in your facebook bio

When people visit your Facebook profile, they're looking for quick information on who your business is, what it offers, and where they can get more information. Remember to keep your bio short, but descriptive, and to make sure the copy is a reflection of who you are as a brand.


what to include in your instagram bio

Similarly to Facebook, your Instagram bio should quickly show any visitors who your business is and what it offers. What it should also show is: why they should care. Your Instagram bio should represent your brand as extremely likable and should also encourage visitors to take action.


what to include in your youtube bio

YouTube bios aren't actually called "bios." Instead, they are referred to as descriptions. But you should still use this space to talk about your business and who it is. If you do these descriptions right, you will find an increase in subscriptions, view counts, and watch time.


what to include in your linkedin profile

Your LinkedIn overview should be short and sweet. Most users on this platform are career-oriented - meaning they are very busy. So you want to make sure that you don't take up too much of their time by having lengthy content.


what to include in your twitter bio

Twitter likes to keep content short - and this includes profile bios. Your character limit will be 160, and we want you to use each one. Why? Because studies have seen that the more characters you use in the bio leads to more followers.


what to include in your pinterest bio

This is another platform where you should keep your bio short and sweet. This is largely because people on Pinterest use this platform because they prefer visual content over written content. So make sure you're catering to these desires.

On the other hand, definitely include these things:

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