How To Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

Blog Writing Tips and Tricks thumbnail for the blog.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search results. In other words, optimizing your content will ensure that you have higher ranking in Google and other search engines.

Now you might be asking: do blogs increase SEO?

They absolutely do! There are many ways to improve your SEO, but one of the most important is to write blog posts that are friendly to both humans and search engines. In this article, we will teach you how to get your blog noticed by Google and search engine users.

1. Choose A Keyword

When you’re writing a blog post, it’s important to choose a keyword that you want to rank for. This is the word or phrase that you want your content to be found under in search engine results pages.

For example: for this blog, we want to rank for the keyword "how to write seo friendly blog posts."

This tip is very important! A blog with no keywords is a blog that won't be found. If you want advanced keyword research done for you, click here to see our SEO services.

2. Write Naturally

A bunch of people writing blogs.

One of the most important things you can do to write SEO-friendly blog posts is to write naturally. The best blogs to read are the ones where you can tell a human wrote them, not an AI machine. So just be yourself, speak how you naturally speak and write what you're passionate about.

Another tip on how to write naturally is to not try to artificially insert keywords into your content where they don’t belong. Not only will this make your writing sound unnatural, but it will also get you penalized by Google (yes, they can tell when you're keyword-stuffing).

3. Use Headings and Subheadings

Headings and subheadings are not only helpful for humans, but they also help search engines understand what your content is about. So be sure to use them liberally throughout your article.

An example of this would be: our heading is "How To Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts" and one of our subheadings are "Write Naturally."

4. Use Images and Videos Wisely

A bunch of people using their phones to take selfies.

Images and videos can help break up your text and make your blog post more interesting, but be careful not to overuse them. Too many images and videos can slow down your page loading time, which will cause Google to penalize you.

Side Note: also be sure to include an alt attribute with all of your images so that they can be properly indexed by search engines.

5. Optimize Your Title, Meta Description, and Blog Description

Your title and meta description are what show up in search engine results pages, so it’s important to make them as keyword-rich as possible. But don’t stuff them with keywords – this will not only look spammy, but it will also get you to be (you guessed it!) penalized by Google.

Your blog description is also important, and we would treat this similarly to how you treat your meta description (but be sure that you're not just copying and pasting - always write content that is original!).

Or Ask Us To Write Them For You!

We have a lot of experience writing blogs for businesses, and we would be more than happy to start writing for you, as well! Writing SEO-friendly blog posts is an important part of any content marketing strategy. So if you're interested in our content optimization services and getting your organic search engine traffic up, shoot us a message by clicking the button below!


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