What Are Custom Audiences In Facebook Ads?

What Are Custom Audiences In Facebook Ads

Define: Custom Audiences

When you begin creating a Facebook Ad, you will be given different targeting options. This means that you will choose who you want to send your ad to.

One option? Custom Audiences.

This audience includes a group of people who have interacted with your business in some way, either by visiting your website, engaging with your social media posts, or even by clicking on your emails.

Choosing this option results in your ad being sent to them not only on their Facebook, but also on other channels, too!

Benefits of Custom Audiences

  • Builds Brand Awareness: Custom Audiences will target people who have seen your brand before, but this means that they might have only seen your brand a few times, decided to visit your page, and then leave. Sending them an ad can keep your brand relevant in their mind.

  • Increases Conversions: these are people who already have an interest in your business and are starting to trust your brand, as well. Realistically, this group of people are the most likely to become conversions.

  • Increases Customer Loyalty: Custom Audiences also include people who have already purchased a product or service from your business. By encouraging them to buy again, you are actively building a stronger relationship with them.

Difference Between Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences

While Custom Audiences will target your customers or prospects, Lookalike Audiences will target new people who share similar characteristics and interests as your customers and prospects. What this means is that Facebook gathers information on your customers and prospects, and tries to find people that they believe will also be interested in your business.

Enroll in Our Facebook Ads Course

If you're craving more information on how to succeed with Facebook Ads, we've got good news for you. Founder Jamie Cocco will be teaching a course all about Facebook Ads in our upcoming course: Power-Up! Facebook Ads.

Click the button below to learn more!


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