What Is Search Engine Optimization?

A website development blog thumbnail with the title of the blog on it and a hand holding a magnifying glass to the word "SEO."

What Is SEO and How Does It Work?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a practice that any website owner, website designer, or website developer should implement. It involves making adjustments to your website’s structure and content so that search engine crawlers can answer these five questions:

  1. What is the main focus of this website?

  2. Will search engine users be able to easily find what they need on this website?

  3. Will search engine users want to see this website?

  4. Is this website credible?

  5. Does this website have the authority to speak on this topic?

These are a few of the main things that crawlers consider when choosing a rank for your website. And the higher a website ranks in search results, the more likely it is to be visited by users.

Other Terms To Know

Website Structure

How a website is organized. This includes what links you have in your navigation, in your footer, in your content; it includes what headers you're using in your content; it includes the font styles that you're using, the colors. It really is the foundation of your website and it's important to have a good structure in mind when you're first starting out.

Website Content

The actual text, images, and other media that you put on your website. This is what users will see and interact with when they visit your site.

Search Engine Crawlers

These are the robots that search engines send out to index websites and their content. When a user searches for something on a search engine, the crawlers have already been to that site and indexed it so that it can be displayed in the search results.

Website Credibility

How credible your website is perceived to be by users. This includes factors like the design of your site, the content you have on your site, and how well you've optimized your site for search engines.

Website Authority

How authoritative your website is perceived to be by users. This includes factors like the age of your domain, the number of inbound links you have, and the quality of those inbound links.

Website Ranking

Where your website appears in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific queries.

The Benefits of SEO

SEO can be beneficial for any type of website, including small businesses, eCommerce sites, and blogs. By practicing SEO…

  • Your website will show up higher in the results lists on search engines.

  • Your website will be seen by more people.

  • Your website will be visited by more people.

  • You will have more opportunity to increase the amount of people who make a purchase on your site.

  • If you use AdSense or other advertising programs, you can earn an increased amount of money.

SEO Tips for Beginners

If you’re new to SEO and feeling overwhelmed, never fear! Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Make sure your website is well-designed and easy-to-use.

  • Add quality content to your site on a regular basis (hint: start a blog).

  • Use keywords and phrases that relate to your business.

  • Monitor your website’s search engine rankings (using Google Search Console) and make changes as needed to improve your visibility.

If you want more advanced techniques, visit our previous SEO blog by clicking the button below.

How To Measure The Success of Your SEO Campaign

There are a number of ways to measure the success of your SEO campaign. One way is to track the number of visitors to your website from Google search. Another way is to track the number of leads or sales generated from your website. Finally, you can use Google Analytics to track the amount of traffic and conversions you're getting from your SEO campaign.

No matter how you measure the success of your SEO campaign, it's important to track your progress so you can make changes as needed. By tracking your SEO campaign, you can ensure that you're on the right track and make the necessary adjustments to improve your results.

Common Mistakes Made in SEO

There are a few common mistakes that are made when it comes to SEO.

  • Forgetting to add alt text to your website graphics.

  • Having meta page titles that are too long (they should be under 70 characters).

  • Having meta descriptions that are too long (they should be under 160 characters).

  • Not having enough copy on your website (you should have more than 200 words on every page).

  • Not checking all your links to make sure that they are still LIVE. If a link is broken, it’s best to just take it out.

For More SEO Help...

Contact us for support! We offer SEO services from sourcing keywords you should start using to improving your site for Google search optimizations. We'll help you get started and improve your campaign so you can achieve success.


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