Why we still use Facebook
Most days, I wake up wishing I wasn’t focused on Facebook marketing. I have had at least 6 panic attacks since I opened up my business at the end of 2018. Whenever I discuss Facebook as a business marketing avenue to prospective clients there is about a 90% chance that the business will react negatively. The thing that makes me least happy about my job is Facebook. You may ask yourself, as I have many times, why are you still marketing on Facebook?
Two Huge New Findings About Instagram – Into the most recent Instagram research
The algorithm and research changes by the minute and it is our job to stay on top of it all, so you can focus on what you love to do. In all of my workshops to date, I have said two really important things about Instagram. The first is that Instagram is a much more rapid-fire platform than Facebook. This is still true, however, I used to tell everyone that you would have to post 1-5 times a day to be considered relevant and engaging. Up until last month both anecdotally and in article after article the information pointed to the more content you put out on Instagram the more engaging you are as a brand.
How to Create your Social Media Strategy
Social Media Strategy is a huge roadblock for most small to medium business owners. Social media has started to significantly replace newspaper, television, emails, and over the phone conversation already with higher usage projected in the future for both Facebook and Instagram.
The Past, The Present, and the Future
I sat down five months ago, we have to go back a little bit further to get us to today, and talked to a man about running the social media for an apartment complex that had just broken ground on construction. I pitched him that I was an all in one service. I told him that I could run social media, drive leads in for them, put together videos, and help connect social and website together.
Relevancy Score is Out and 3 New Stats are In!
The relevancy score indicates how well your ad is resonating with the audience you are targeting. The problem is that when its good its good and when its bad, you can get lost in figuring out how to fix your ad. The stat is super vague. Things are about to change.
Building Your Facebook Community
Ever since Facebook changed its algorithm and focused on creating meaningful connections, pulling away a significant portion of advertisement and business posts from the newsfeed, the businesses that focus on community have been reaping the benefits.
My Instagram Hashtag Story
This magical hashtag journey starts with a nine-year-old. My youngest son, when he’s not Fortnite dancing, dapping, and playing clash of clans, he loves to use hashtags. He doesn’t understand what they mean, really, but always seems to use them in a way that makes me laugh, #kidproblems. What are hashtags all about and how are marketers using the right number in the right place to find new audiences to build their communities organically?