5 Simple Reasons Why Blogging Is Important

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Benefit #1: It Gives People More Content To Read

If you have a website, chances are that you want people to stay on it and explore it. A blog can help you with this! Blogs provide users with a wealth of information that they can dive into and explore. They will truly enjoy staying on your website because they will be able to immerse themselves in different topics and perspectives, to learn new skills, and to get a better understanding of your industry.

Content is limited on a website that doesn’t have a blog. But with a blog, content can feel unlimited.

Benefit #2: It Helps You Connect With Your Audience

If you’re trying to build an online presence (which all businesses should), blogging can help you create a connection with your readers. The more you write, the more people will get to know you and what matters to you. And if they agree with what you’re saying or find value in your blogs, you will unknowingly start creating a strong and loyal community.

Benefit #3: It Helps Establish Authority and Credibility

Having a blog also gives you the opportunity to show off all of your industry knowledge. You can offer your professional and expert advice, give tips and tricks, and comprehensible definitions - all of which will prove to your readers that you have authority in the industry. Basically, people will see that you know what you’re talking about and they will trust your products and services even more because of that.

Benefit #4: Keeps Your Website Fresh and Up-To-Date

If you don’t have a blog, chances are your website isn’t being updated enough. This means that your website might be stale in some areas. Maybe you used a term that is now out of fashion, maybe a fact that was true last year no longer isn’t, maybe there was a huge industry update that your content doesn’t mention… etc. All of these things make a website not up-to-date. And this can be bad for both search engines who prefer fresh content and users who also prefer fresh content.

Benefit #5: It Helps With SEO

And now it is time to talk about the fifth benefit - the benefit that ensures that your website is actually seen by new people. Having a blog will help your website’s search engine optimization. When you write content for your blog, it is highly likely that you will use relevant keywords that relate to your topic. This will help search engines to understand what your website is about and rank it higher in related search results.

Remember: your competitors likely have a blog and are taking up real estate on search engines. You want to get real estate there, too! So we suggest you start writing yesterday!

How Often Should You Write A Blog?

This certainly depends on how much time you have. However, I would suggest that every business owner posts at least one blog a month. These blogs don’t have to be super lengthy! They can be 200 words minimum. Just make sure that you’re updating your website’s content frequently.

For more advice on blog writing, feel free to leave a comment below!


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