Social Media Marketing Katrina Faust Social Media Marketing Katrina Faust

How To View Insights In Creator Studio

Knowing your social media analytics can help to inform how your social media marketing strategy is working. Through Creator Studio, you can also manage your Facebook pages and Instagram accounts. It is a great social media management tool for publishing content and viewing social media insights. In this blog article, we will give you a step-by-step guide for viewing your Facebook and Instagram insights in Creator Studio.

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Content Marketing Jocelyn Figueroa Content Marketing Jocelyn Figueroa

5 TikTok Growth Strategies for Small Businesses

It’s time to take TikTok seriously! It is speedily becoming one of the most popular social media platforms out there, growing and growing (especially in Generation Z). And we want your small business to grow with it. This is why we are compiling a list of TikTok growth strategies and TikTok tips for you to use as you venture into this new social network and find a place on it for your brand. So let’s get started!

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Business Tips and Tricks Katrina Faust Business Tips and Tricks Katrina Faust

Why Discovering Your Brand Voice and Identity Is Important For Creating Content

When we think of brands, we often think of consistent colors, logos, and fonts. In other words, we think of how the brands look from the outside. What is often overlooked is how the brand sounds. Brand voice is the distinct personality that a brand uses in all of its communications, from social media posts to internal communications, blog posts, and newsletters.

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Advertising Jocelyn Figueroa Advertising Jocelyn Figueroa

Retargeting With Facebook Ads

Have you ever thought about all the people who visit your website once and leave forever? Have you ever thought, “how can I make them come back?” Well, other marketers have shared your questions and have shared your feelings about site visitors who don’t convert - and Facebook has offered a way to help us all. How? By creating retargeting ads.

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Advertising Jocelyn Figueroa Advertising Jocelyn Figueroa

3 Common Facebook Ad Mistakes

Facebook Ads are an incredibly popular online advertising platform, and for good reason. When you see the dashboard, you will notice how detailed you can become when developing a campaign. It allows you to narrow down who sees your ad, when they see it, how long the campaign will run, and more.

However, with all these options, it is easy to make some mistakes along the way. So we have compiled a list of three common Facebook Ad mistakes, so that you can avoid making them. Keep reading!

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Content Marketing Jocelyn Figueroa Content Marketing Jocelyn Figueroa

How To Repurpose Content On Instagram

If you’re creating a consistent stream of content, you’re bound to get some writers block every once in a while. But don’t worry! It happens to all content creators, and the feeling will pass. However, in the meantime, as you wait for the feeling to pass, it’ll be great to have a strategy in place to ensure you’re still pushing out content.

Here’s our strategy: repurposing content.

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